CRAVE EXPERIENCE 8-WEEK GROUP IMMERSION: Next Program Begins September 2023
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Connect Deeper To What FUELS, FULFILLS & NOURISHES You


Next Program Begins September 2023

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I've learned that the secret sauce to creating MAGIC in your kitchen, with your food and body relationship + your life comes from deep inside you.

Your unique soul 'recipe' is what makes your life feel special, delicious, and uniquely yours. And the best part? It's completely accessible and attainable for you too.

As more women wake up to the Superwoman Complex, they're realizing that they can no longer prioritize others while silently suffering themselves.

It's time to make taking care of ourselves a top priority.Ā 

Together, we're redefining how we want to truly feel, both individually and collectively. And this directly relates to our relationships with our bodies and how we feel in them.

What I envision for all women is to feel EXTRAORDINARY.

Whether it's through cooking or coaching, my intention is for you to connect with your unique soul and experience real nourishment for your emotional and physical well-being.

Every woman deserves to feel real nourishment, and the journey of discovery begins by going within to reconnect with your innate wisdom. Through this process, you'll find the courage to carve your own path and embrace your worthiness without diminishing your emotional body or soul.

When you step into a state of real nourishment, you're embracing all that you are and showing up at the table of life with confidence and purpose.

If you are feeling exhausted, unfocused, or weighed down, it's challenging to show up as your best self in all areas of your life.

In a world that's all about instant gratification, it's easy to forget that real nourishment goes way beyond what you eat.

Your livelihood, relationships, wellness, spirituality, creativity, and learning are all important ingredients that impact how well you feel.

If you're feeling disconnected or starved in any of these areas, it's time to take action.

By feeding all parts of yourself with your unique ingredients, you can create your own delicious recipe for life.

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The CRAVE Experience is not your typical course, diet, cleanse, or weight loss program.Ā 

It's a unique deep dive experience that explores the fascinating connection between food, body, mind, and soul.Ā But this isn't just theoretical knowledge - we'll equip you with the tools, philosophies, and mindset you need to make shifts in ALL areas of your life.

During the CRAVE Experience, we'll explore what you're REALLY hungry for - and it's not just about the food on your plate.

How you feel in your body affects everything you do...and your relationship with food reflects your relationship with life itself.

I believe that everything is connected, and as an energetic being, you have the power to transform your life by transforming your relationship with food.Ā 

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Are you ready to transform your life and become the best version of yourself? The CRAVE Experience is for the woman that is ready to:

EMBRACE your true self with confidence and be seen for who you truly are

ELEVATE your emotional and physical health to live your best life

LEAVE behind the pressure of perfection and prioritize your own self-care

UNLEASH your inner radiance by shedding old patterns and stepping into your power

TRANSFORM your relationship with food and discover the deeper needs behind your cravings

UNLOCK the secrets to nurturing your body and soul for a life full of energy and vitality

DISCOVER the true potential of your mind and body for a happier, healthier you

This 8-week journey is your opportunity to nourish your mind, body, and soul from the inside out with a comprehensive toolkit, supportive community, and expert guidance.

Throughout the program, you'll discover new ways to eat, live, and feel.


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Finally break free from the cycle of restrictive eating habits that have left you feeling defeated and frustrated.
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Learn how to nourish your body in a way that feels sustainable, enjoyable, and empowering, rather than punishing or restrictive.
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Discover the mindset shifts and tools you need to break free from negative self-talk and self-sabotaging behaviors that have been holding you back.
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Learn how to listen to your body's cues and trust yourself to make empowered decisions around food and self-care.
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Discover how to find joy, pleasure, and satisfaction in the foods you eat and the experiences you have, without guilt or shame.
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Gain confidence in your own skin and finally feel proud of the person you see in the mirror every day.
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Create a sustainable plan for your health and wellness that fits into your busy lifestyle and supports your unique goals and needs.
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Develop a deeper understanding of the mind-body connection and learn how to use this knowledge to transform your relationship with food, body, and self.
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Let go of the Superwoman Complex where you're always taking care of everyone else and learn to prioritize yourself, first and always.

Join me on this journey of self-discovery and transformation. 

You’ll connect with a supportive community of women who understand your struggles and are there to cheer you on and lift you up + receive personalized support and guidance from a coach who truly cares about your success and is committed to helping you achieve your goals.

It's time to nourish all aspects of who you are and live life to the fullest!
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Join the CRAVE Experience 8-week Group Immersion and unlock the power of a community of extraordinary women, coming together to leave behind the Superwoman Complex and step into a life of real nourishment.

Experience the magic that unfolds when a group of powerful women unite with a common purpose. With me as your guide, we'll expedite your transformation by supporting you in shifting your daily routines.

Mentoring women on this journey is my greatest passion, and I believe that a group setting enhances the process. Within our intimate group, you'll learn from and share with each other.

We'll cover a range of topics, including the Superwoman Complex, as we create a space for you to build an unwavering foundation of self-care and re-connect with your inner wisdom. You'll become devoted to nourishing your emotional and physical body as a daily practice, as we explore the many ingredients needed to fuel all aspects of who you are.

Don't wait to take the first step toward real nourishment - join the CRAVE Experience today.

Have questions? Book a 30-minute complimentary session below.

Meet with Christy




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A Private Community that will provide the ongoing support between our Live calls & featured lessons of the week.  Plus, provide a safe space to go deeper as a group.


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All Group Sessions will be held VIRTUALLY inside our private portal that will include dynamic discussions around a weekly theme, personalized guidance & Q & A. If you miss a Session, you can listen to the recording.



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At the start of the program, we'll kick it off with a get to know each other virtual 'soiree' & at end of program, we'll conclude with a celebration 'soiree'.



Pay In Full


One Time Payment

  • Kick-Off Soiree to set the foundation of the program, plus meet the group at start of program
  • 7 Group Coaching Calls held in our virtual program portalĀ 
  • Private Community exclusive to group
  • Completion Soiree to celebrate our journey together at end of program
September 2023

Payment Plan

$295 x 3

Initial Deposit + 2 Payments

  • Kick-Off Soiree to set the foundation of the program, plus meet the group at start of program
  • 7 Group Coaching Calls held in our virtual program portal
  • Private Community exclusive to group
  • Completion Soiree to celebrate our journey together at end of program
September 2023


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Bea Rataj

"Christy introduced me to "eat according to how you want to feel". What a concept! No more calorie counting, no more portion control, no more worrying about the number on the scale.

By working with Christy, eating became a sacred activity which created a different relationship with my food and body and shifted my appreciation for both." 

Melita Callahan

"I was teetering on the edge of professional and personal burnout when I began working with Christy.

As a busy executive, my relationship to food was the furthest thing from joyful. Christy’s holistic approach begins with how you want to feel in your body and life, and guides you with a roadmap that shifts your relationship to eating into one of joy, discovery & true nourishment rather than a diet or meal plan.

She is a wizard, alchemizing food into a positive life source."

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Dell Taylor

"Christy Whitney is a food artist if I ever saw one. I am in awe of her passion for supporting others in making lifestyle changes around eating in order to thrive and shine.

I’ve been lucky enough to participate in her personalized programs and I can truthfully say it was a game changer and the best I have ever felt in my life! ”

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